
Symptoms of Dyscalculia

Solutions for Dyscalculia

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is the maths version of dyslexia

It is used to describe people who have difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, and learning math facts.

Math learning difficulties can occur in people from across the whole IQ range, often, but not always, involving difficulties with time, measurement, and spatial reasoning.

Estimates of the prevalence of dyscalculia range between 3 and 6% of the population. A quarter of children with dyscalculia have ADHD. This is because the same concepts are incomplete or missing with both conditions.

Symptoms of dyscalculia include:

  • Computing maths shows dependence on finger counting and other tricks; knows answers, but can’t do it on paper.
  • Can count, but has difficulty counting objects and dealing with money.
  • Can do arithmetic, but fails word problems, cannot grasp algebra or higher maths.

A person with dyscalculia can have difficulty with the concepts that are needed to understand mathematics.

All maths, from simple arithmetic to calculus, is about measuring change. It is a series of consequences, done in sequence and in a state of order (versus disorder). People who have an inherent sense of these concepts can easily learn and understand maths. For those who do not have an accurate understanding of these concepts, learning maths is limited to memorisation. The extent to which they will be able to use math is hampered by their ability to remember by rote the procedures and maths facts. Without an understanding of these underlying concepts, there can never be any real understanding of the subject or its principles.

As with dyslexia, confusion can cause disorientation. Symbols like + and x can look alike if one is rotated 45°. When a person disorientates, they no longer have accurate perception and understanding. This leads to the wrong information being assimilated as being true.

In maths, we use the same word “number” to describe a numeral and a quantity. The numeral 6 represents this many • • • • • •, but there is only one digit. This can be another source of confusion.

Visual-spatial thinkers are easily confused by the “words” that describe math functions. At word like “by” means at or near in the English sense, but in the maths sense it means with or using. For example 9 divided by 3, or 6 multiplied by 4.

Do these symptoms of dyscalculia look familiar?

If you or a loved one is experiencing some or all of these issues, the good news is that dyscalculia can be corrected.

Get in touch with Margot to arrange a free initial consultation.