Solutions for Dyspraxia

How can Dyspraxia be corrected?

Most people have a stable place that their imagination or mind’s eye perceives the world from

For a “normal” person this is usually behind their head. For a dyspraxic person this is commonly in front of them and below their line of sight. This means that, for example, when faced with an oncoming ball, their brain sees it before their eyes do, and thus they mis-time their catch. Or furniture, letterboxes etc. appear to jump out at them, as things are not where their brain expects them to be.

It is easy to misplace a glass and drop it, or knock it over. This disparity between the perspective that the imagination or mind’s eye sees things and how the real eyes perceive the world is called disorientation. You may be aware of it when stationary next to a vehicle that moves, but it feels like the vehicle you are in is the one that is moving.

Dyspraxia can be corrected with a 97% success rate by using the Davis Programme. This is a well-established technique that helps people with dyspraxia function the same way as “the other kids”. The technique has been around for 30 years and helped adults and children in 40 countries around the globe.

I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of the Davis Programme for Dyspraxia Solutions

One of my sons has dyspraxia (as do I). In fact, we have dyslexia too, and I turned to this system because I wanted to help him.

Did it work? Well, I wouldn’t be doing this if it didn’t! Until I started the Davis training, I couldn’t catch a ball consistently. Now anytime I want to, I can catch a ball or the car keys! Although I could cope in the classroom, the playground was my personal hell when I as at school. I went to a small country school, and all we did was play netball or t-ball at lunch or morning teatime. Even as one of the oldest girls in the school, I was usually the last or second last to be picked for a team. The Davis Programme has changed the lives and self-esteem of my kids and myself, and I can do the same for you too.

How does the programme work?

The first step is to contact me to arrange a free consultation

At this consultation, I’ll make an assessment of their suitability to the Davis Programme. This is important, as I’ll only take on clients that I know I can help. So there’s absolutely no obligation, and you can meet me in a relaxed environment. You also get to decide if you like me and would want to work with me. During this consultation I will find out about the person’s strengths and weaknesses so that I can tailor the individual’s programme to meet their needs and their goals.

The Davis Programme teaches the individual the same core techniques of focus, energy management and relaxation that are taught in other Davis programmes. Depending on the person’s needs and goals, we may go through the core concepts like change, consequence, time, sequence, order and disorder. These are mastered in clay and experienced in the real world so that they become part of the identity of the individual.

We can also spend time working on handwriting, organising essays, ball skills, riding a scooter, tying laces – whatever helps them meet their goals.

You can read more about the Davis Programme and how it all works on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

“I don’t have the nerves I used to have and I’m sleeping better and listening better. I have more self-assurance, self-belief and confidence now. I have more direction of where I want to go.”

Take the next step to correcting dyspraxia!

You (or your child) don’t have to live with the frustrations of dyspraxia. You don’t have to put up with the low self-esteem that comes from being different. If you’d like to be “just like the other kids” (or adults), or if you have any questions, just get in touch.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Margot Young

Licensed Davis Facilitator