ADHD or Aroreretini

The Maori word for ADHD, Aroreretini means attention goes to many things.
We think that is is a beautiful way to describe what happens.

Symptoms of ADHD/Aroreretini

Solutions for ADHD/Aroreretini

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is used to describe individuals who have difficulty staying on task

This can be with or without impulsivity. The diagnosis of ADD has been removed with the publication of DSM V.

There are two main causes of this condition – boredom and confusion. People with ADHD are very intelligent and like dyslexics, are used to disorientating into their own world to be entertained as they usually find school and/or the real world boring.

Often a dyslexic child will also appear to be ADHD as they disorientate into their own world while they wait for the feeling of confusion to disappear.

Because they spend a lot of time in their own world, they miss out on life lessons and classroom lessons.

Symptoms of ADHD include:

  • Distractibility
  • Impulsivity
  • Hyperactivity (or hypo-activity)
  • Tendency to excessive daydreaming
  • Behavioural issues
  • Difficulty making or keeping friends
  • Lack of awareness or knowledge of time
  • Difficulty understanding or following instructions
  • Difficulty with organisation
  • Procrastination
  • Difficulty with sequencing

ADHD can be the cause and a symptom of learning problems.

A person with ADHD can experience time either faster or slower than reality and their understanding of concepts like change and consequence can be flawed or missing. Without a solid understanding of change, our understanding of consequence cannot be concrete. Without this, concepts of cause, effect, before and after cannot be sure. Without an understanding of before and after, understanding of time cannot be attained, nor can concepts of sequence and how to create order be fully understood.

People with ADHD are picture thinkers. They convert language (both oral and written) into a picture or movie, process it and then act. If a negative instruction is given, they will often do the opposite to what is intended. That is because there are no automatic pictures for words like “no”, “not”, “don’t”, “never”. If a picture thinker is told “Don’t run”, the first thing that comes to mind is running, in their impulsivity or eagerness to please, they will implement that picture and do the opposite to what was instructed.

Picture these common instructions without the negative word, and then picture an alternative:

Never shake a baby — Always treat a baby gently

Even though there are non-picture words in the alternative wording, the picture created is that which we want to achieve. This makes it easier for the ADHD person to follow the instruction.

Don’t drink and drive — Always drive sober

Domestic violence – it’s not OK — Domestic violence is bad.

Don’t run — Just walk

Don’t smoke — Only put stuff in your body that is good for it

Even though there are non-picture words in the alternative wording, the picture created is that which we want to achieve. This makes it easier for the ADHD person to follow the instruction.

Do you or someone you know have symptoms of ADHD?

If you or a loved one is experiencing some or all of these issues, find out how you can master your attention and unlock your potential.

Get in touch with Margot to arrange a free initial consultation.